Praying for Branch County and Beyond

Take Your Place

1 Peter 1:6-9

Peter, along with almost every believer of that day, had some pretty hard times to face in his everyday life. So we see that some things never change! We all know some people (maybe even you) who are really struggling today to overcome some very hard times. But trusting in the truth of God’s great love for you is fundamental in overcoming the situation as you walk by faith.

How you look at the problem has a lot to do with how long it takes to get above it. Peter tells us to keep our focus on these things.

1. The trials are temporary, not permanent
2. Your faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
3. How you endure and overcome it brings glory to Jesus.
4. Staying stirred up in the joy of worship and praise in the midst of the trial is huge.
5. The more we hold onto God’s ultimate love for us, the more our inner strength grows until our faith and confession move that mountain out of our lives. So, enjoy the victory Jesus provided for you before, during and after the trials, and rise above it all until you take your place “in Christ” on this side of glory!

H. J.

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